What is a Splog?

A splog is a spam blog which is created for link spamming to other websites. It often sells links to website owners who want to artificially improve their site’s ranking in search results.

More About Splogs

Splogs often feature repetitive or meaningless spam content that excessively repeats target keywords. There is usually little to no information about post authors on splogs, but if there is, most of the details given are fake. Sometimes, a splog will steal posts published on other websites or blogs.

Splog posts can also be created with article spinning software, which rephrases words with synonyms. These websites might also feature many links to affiliate sites. Links on splogs can often lead users to unethical or illegal content. Splogs also frequently use keyword stuffing in an attempt to make it to a higher spot in search engine results. The primary purpose of splogs is to manipulate search engines, which is a violation of Google’s Webmaster Quality Guidelines.

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