What is a Domain Backorder?

A domain “backorder” is a service that can notify you if a domain becomes available for sale. That scenario happens when the original owner fails to renew the domain registration. You might sign up for this service if you don’t want to compromise on your domain name.

More About Backorders

Some domain registrars offer “backordering” services. When you sign up for a domain backorder, the registrar will buy the domain for you if it becomes available. If that happens, you can buy the domain directly from the registrar.

Domain backorders can be relatively complex. There are often multiple parties interested in popular domains. If there are several backorders for a domain and it becomes available, the registrar will often ask buyers to place bids on the property. In that case, the highest bid takes the domain.

Keep in mind that the original owner of a domain has an extended grace period where they can renew their claim on it. Even if a domain expires, registrars will afford the original owner a 40-day period where they can restore the claim.

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