What is an Administrative Contact?
The “administrative contact” or registrant of record is the person who puts down their personal and contact information when registering a domain.

More About Administrative Contacts
When you register a domain, the registrar that acts as a middleman is required to collect your personal information. That data includes your name, email address, phone number, and physical address. All of that information is a matter of public record, which can help if anyone needs to contact you about the domain.
The administrative contact for a domain is the person who puts down their information when registering a domain. If you don’t register the domain name personally, your information may not be on record as the administrative contact. That contact is expected to deal with communications from the registrar concerning issues with the domain itself and renewal notices.
If you’re unable to reach the administrative contact for a domain you own, you can get in touch with the registrar to update the domain’s associated information. In these scenarios, the registrar will ask you to provide proof of ownership for the domain.