Where can we find your website?
You can find us at www.localsgaming.com
Can you tell us a little about your site, Locals Gaming and how this great website concept came
LocalsGaming was started in 2011 and was intended to review US Casino player’s clubs. Casino
websites are enormously competitive and lots of people review casinos but nobody really reviews the rewards clubs
offerings that each of these casinos has. The problem is, some of them are downright horrible while others offer quite
a decent incentive for different types of gamblers. As time went on, we opened our listings up to casinos and we now
have an exhaustive list of every casino in the United States. We dare you to find one that isn’t listed!

Can you share how a beginner gambler vs. an avid gambler could use your site?
We post
frequent blogs with tips for every level of gambler and have hundreds of articles about blackjack, poker, slot
machines, roulette, craps and some of these new wacky online gambling laws. Some very interesting stuff is going to be
happening within the next few years with regard to online gambling and we will be at the forefront. One of our regular
blog columnists is Derrick Oliver and he brings some really engaging interviews from his weekly High Roller Radio
We have listings for every casino in the US and thousands of reviews. We even tell you the average percentage of payouts for each casino. This can be really good information when deciding which casino to play at.
Casino players clubs/rewards clubs are vastly different too; some favor slot players, some favor table players, some favor video poker players and sometimes they favor not playing at all! We break them all down and let you know exactly who should be playing where to maximize the rewards that the casino provides for its players.
Some other really valuable information that we compile is our promotions section. Casino promotions are quite difficult to find and hugely valuable to the player. 10 times points on Thursdays? Free slot tournaments on Saturdays?
We have two employees in addition to myself who painstakingly compile all this information manually for your convenience and reading pleasure, pretty exciting stuff!

How long have you been a DreamHost customer?
I have hosted sites almost exclusively with
DreamHost since 2005. Shared hosting, VPS and eventually I might be making the switch to a dedicated server.

We Support Your Dream
Whatever your online goals, we’ll be right there with you, making sure your site is fast, secure, and always up. Plans start at $2.59/mo.
Choose Your PlanDo you use any tools in the DreamHost panel? If so, which ones?
Currently we are using the
page speed option although that is about it although I do really like how easy it is to manage all of my domains.
Do you have any suggestions for for DreamHost? Anything you would like to see, use, and/or
I would really like to see an expanded VPS model that allows more customized options for greater
flexibility (Add CPU instead of just memory). The shared hosting speed and reliability is great and I use it for most
of my sites, I really have no complaints.
If you could meet anyone, living or from the past, who would it be and why?
I would like to meet
Tyler Durden, the main character of Fight Club’s delusional schizophrenic creation. Although he wasn’t real in the
book/movie, his outlook on life and the world around him is really enlightening. Some of the quotes are incredibly
profound and encourage us to become less complacent and do remarkable things with our lives. Take the bull by the
horns; double down on that blackjack hand, go all in with your poker hand, max bet on your slot machine.
Are you on Twitter or Facebook? If so, can you please provide the links so our customers can find you?
You can also check us out on Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/localsgaming

Do you have anything else to add?
Based on demand from our readers, we are excited to announce a
sister site named SlotSource.com with
reviews of nearly every slot machine ever produced. We are announcing it here and hope to have it fully operational by
the middle of May. We currently have the largest database of slot machines available anywhere. Thousands of hours were
painstakingly spent gathering detailed information and jackpot videos from YouTube and other sources. Avid slot
machine players will love slot machine listings because they track some traits about slot machines that are not
published anywhere else. Seemingly identical slot machines can vary significantly from one casino to the next but one
thing will remain consistent and that is volatility. How frequently does this machine pay out? We can tell you!
Curious about the bonus rounds for your favorite slot? We have thousands of jackpot videos showing you exactly what it
looks like when you win BIG. We all like to win jackpots… right?
If you enjoy gambling, take a few minutes and check us out. We hope to see you at LocalsGaming.com