What is ASCII?

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is a format that encodes data between computers by assigning standard numeric values to letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and other characters.

More About ASCII

ASCII was originally developed for typewriters in 1963 by the American Standards Association (ASA). However, it found a wide application in personal computers in 1981. Different computer models were unable to communicate with one another before the ASCII was developed.

There are 256 slots available in the 8-bit code, and the ASCII table is divided into three sections:

  1. Non-printable represents zero to 31. These are non-printable characters, such as white spaces and tabs.
  2. Lower ASCII represents 32 to 127. These are standard characters. Letters and common special characters, such as exclamation points, dashes, etc., are included in this section.
  3. Higher ASCII represents 128 to 255. These characters represent special symbols and foreign language letters. They are based on your operating system’s language and the program you use. This section is also programmable.

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