What is WHOIS?

WHOIS is a tool used to look up information about a domain name or IP address. The WHOIS database contains contact information for a domain name’s owner, administrative contact, technical contact, and billing contact.

More About WHOIS

The purpose of WHOIS is to provide contact information for the owner of a domain name. That way, any issues that may arise with the domain name can be resolved. WHOIS is also used as a tool by law enforcement to investigate cybercrime, and by those interested in privately buying a domain.

Anyone can access WHOIS information, as it’s publicly available. However, some registrars offer privacy protection services that mask WHOIS information. The owner’s details are still accessible to the registrar, but they will not be available to the public. It’s important that even if a domain name owner doesn’t want their information to be displayed publicly, they keep their WHOIS information up to date. If they do not, it can lead to the domain name being suspended or even deleted.

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