¿Por qué registrar un nombre de dominio .yoga ?

You bring sanctuary, zen, and balance to your students.

Whether you own a yoga studio or you're an individual instructor, you're all about helping your students to harmonize body, mind, and spirit. And when you register a .YOGA domain name with DreamHost, you can achieve inner peace knowing that you're making a branded, standout statement about the services you offer. Pairing that domain name with a well-designed website can take your yoga practice to the next blissful level.

.YOGA is flexible!

But not only can studios and instructors benefit from registering and owning a .YOGA domain. It's not much of a stretch to be mindful of the ways one can also renew and revive — or provide a memorable launch to — the online presence of many related service providers including learning institutions, retreats, training video websites, equipment vendors, yoga bloggers, influencers and enthusiasts, and students. When yoga is your business or your lifestyle, .YOGA is your domain!",

¡Agrega correo electrónico o alojamiento para conectarte hoy!

Junto con tu nuevo nombre de dominio .yoga, lo más probable es que desees correo electrónico, alojamiento o ambos. Obtener tu sitio .yoga o nuevocorreo@nuevadirección.yoga es fácil con DreamHost.

Correo electrónico

Correo electrónico poderoso, simple y confiable @ tu nuevo dominio .yoga

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Creador de Sitios Web

¡Conecta tu nuevo .yoga a uno de nuestros planes Shared Hosting y construye tu sitio web sin tener que saber programar!

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Alojamiento para Todos

Nuestros planes de alojamiento son excelentes para sitios pequeños, sitios de WordPress e incluso sitios con millones de visitas mensuales.

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Tu nuevo dominio .yoga está a solo una búsqueda de distancia.